Friday, 2 August 2013

It's been a while!

Hello one and all. And massive apologies for being slack with blogging!

As you know from my last post, a lot happened in a VERY short space of time *wipes sweat off forehead* but now things have quietened down a tad, which gives me an opportunity to update you all on what's gone on :)

So, I lost my job. But now I have a new job! Had my first interview for it last Wednesday, with the second interview this Monday. And by Monday afternoon I got told they were hiring me!! Super quick and wonderful.

The good thing is I don't start until 27th August, which means I can go on my two holidays and get all the new hospital stuff done before I start. Generally just chill...out...

I was initially worried about getting employed - in any job - due to having Crohn's and everything that it brings. But I brought it up in my first interview as I didn't want to potentially get through to the next stage, and that then be a reason for them not to hire me (I know they can't use that as a reason, but it's a worry all the same!)

But it's fine as I am an employed citizen once more!

And now for a Crohn's update: today I was hanging out in a toilet (not in a George Michael way)... I had my first MRI in the new hospital. THREE MRI UNITS they had. Three! Swanky.

Naturally I only needed the one machine. And as you probably know, before you get scanned for a small bowel study you have to drink from the bottle of death. (NB; not an actual bottle of death)

Welcome the constant poos.

Tomorrow I begin my colonoscopy prep ready for Tuesday. Been a while since I've had one of those, but I feel that if they're in there, they can see everything. And hopefully I'll get some answers re the ol' flamongey bloat.

So to end this post, please read the next part in the tune of Craig David "7 Days"

Have some laxatives on Monday, camera up the bum on Tuesday, resting in my house on Wednesday. And on Thursday, Friday and Saturday I am festivalling.

Nervous about pooing excessively at Boardmasters festival. But we shall cross that shitty bridge when we come to it!


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