So here's a recap of what I can remember since Monday...
7am and we arrive at the Surgical Admissions Lounge. I get told I'm last on the list - but there were only three people in total for gastro surgery, so that wasn't too bad!
However I didn't get to go down until 3pm, and needless to say by that point I was absolutely starving and in desperate need of a glass of water. Turns out I could have had water up until midday, but no one checked as to when I'd be going down until it was too late for me to drink anything.
I'm now gowned up, holding my man's hand in the lift as we descend down to the operating theatres. Turns out he could only step out the lift with me, as he wasn't allowed through the double doors: cue brief mini emotional breakdown, cuddles and lots of "I love you"s.
Luckily I had such a LAD of an anaesthetist. I asked if they could prolong that floaty feeling before I started to panic/get knocked out. And that he did. Nice one Mr.
Woke up about an hour and a half later in recovery in excruciating pain. I was awake enough to have a sneaky peak into my gown...and there was no scar down the centre! Wahoo! But I was still in a lot of pain so they got me hooked up to the PCA machine asap.
After a four hour wait I finally got to go up to my ward - spaced out of my brain and very emotional - ready to just crash out and sleep.
Had a really difficult night's sleep. Woken up every hour for observations and then needing to press my PCA button to knock me out enough to fall asleep again.
The good news is that I had my first set of visitors coming in the evening and I also managed to walk to the toilet twice (despite the crippling pain)
I also got to see the pain team and my surgeon. The pain team agreed that I could stay with my PCA machine for a little while longer *phew* and the surgeon gave me the full details of what I had done in theatre...
- I have had four inches of my bowel removed; a resection as opposed to a strictureplasty
- I have had my appendix removed (?!)
- No need for a central scar as they could do all they needed in my right hand side
- There is no ileostomy bag as they were able to do what they needed, without putting in a stoma
All in all, I'm pretty pleased with what I woke up with!
Despite drifting in and out of sleep during Tuesday, I got woken up to have my dressing changed. This was going to be the first time I saw my actual scar.
And here is the beauty...10 staples and straight across a very swollen and tender abdomen...
I've also realised that I now find the most simple tasks very tricky and painful. And I have to remember that it's ok not to push myself too hard. This is because I've needed oxygen every time I sit back down....I'm such a doofus. Just need to take things slowwww.
I felt very nauseous last night though. I don't know if it was because I had a bowl of custard? (This was one of the first things I was recommended to eat since Sunday). Or if it was the over-use of my PCA machine haha. Either way, yuck yuckity yuck yuck.
Better night's sleep last night. Only woke up three times and managed to sleep through to 7am. Go me!
As it stands, I am now on free fluids (instead of just sips) and this includes tea, coffee and soups. Awaiting some soup for my lunch, but I'm not confident that this will go well based on my custard escapade from last night.
It's still tough in here though. And I quickly learnt that crying doesn't help my pain. And also headbutting my lampshade will also increase the amount of pain in my stomach. Stupid reflexes and muscle tensing.
Until next time my lovelies...I best get back to my bed-rest.