Thursday 11 July 2013


Today I feel like I've been punched in the brain.

My poos and pains are no different from any other day - but today I just feel disconnected, like I'm having an outer body experience.

I say to colleagues that I'm feeling 'poorly' but I don't even know what I mean when I say it? It's like it's a handy generic sweeping statement to let them know that I am having a bad day.

Sitting in the work toilet having a cry is not how I wanted to start my day. But even when crying, I didn't know why I was or what the reason may be...

I want to assume it's because I'm a little overwhelmed with everything (moving hospitals, paperwork and what not) but even that should be a generally positive experience; I've been waiting ages for things to get moving in the right direction.

So I guess we put it down to my dips that I sometimes have. And perhaps I need to stop looking for a reason every time I feel a bit crappy.

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