But essentially, for a while now my upper body - mainly my arms - randomly jerk out and twist, or one shoulder hunches up super fast (and it's becoming more frequent)
It's so difficult to explain! So tricky in fact, I don't even know what to type into Google...
Sometimes it hurts; not so much from doing the action, more what the action was. The other day it happened and it felt like I'd just given myself a crick in the neck. Other times I have accidentally hit myself when it's happened.
I have to laugh about it, because I do find it mighty odd. But my boyfriend points it out more often now, as do my colleagues, but I've never really known why I'm all twitchy and limby ha.
I don't think it's anything to do with my medicine I'm on/have been on. But I also haven't been looking for a correlation between the two?
The only way to describe it would be to say it almost feels like I'm getting a shiver, but I don't shiver I just throw an elbow/wrist/arm/shoulder out.
I'm such a weirdo haha.