Thursday, 19 September 2013


Also, forgot to mention a few things that came up whilst talking to my GP; mini epiphanies (in the middle of a breakdown), if you will.

I didn't quite realise that one of my main issues with the whole Crohn's thing is that I seem to be a micro-manager, for almost every part of my life. And as I'm sure you all know by now, one of the main selling points of Crohn's is its unpredictability.

Because there is no cure - at the moment - Crohn's will be underlying problem in everything I do. And despite my best efforts at not letting it get me down, I'm yet to experience life for a decent amount of time where it isn't my main concern. So that in turn, makes it hard to imagine life different to how it is now.

I also came to the conclusion (sensible or otherwise) that I think I am always going to struggle with accepting myself fully as a Crohnie. Until I am able to accept myself for who I am now, not who I was.

There really is nothing I want more than to get back on my boat of positivity and get out of this skewed dip. But nonetheless, it was interesting to hear myself talk about the above because I didn't really know they were such an issue.

Mind boggling. In every sense.


PS: Stumbled across this song whilst watching last weekend's X Factor (sad I know). Pretend it's not about a boy and a relationship, but more a person and their depression. It's a great one to sing out!

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