Sunday 23 March 2014

Hair we go again!

As my regular readers will know, I like to change my hair when my Crohn's gets all up in my space; yesterday was another one of those days.

I decided it would be a good idea to get my hair dyed dark. Haven't been dark for a while, and it should hopefully make my hair look glossy and healthy and thick. And also (maybe?) make me look a bit healthier. Add to the facade of the invisible illness haha.

But as I don't do normal things with my hair, as in my hair was blue/green (or as I like to call it, MERMAID HAIR), I ended up having it cleansed and now I have an unintentional ombré... Might leave it like this for a while though? As John Lennon once said 'Let It Be'.

Thing is, since I've been back on Azathioprine, I've noticed my hair is falling out again (happened first time round too) Hurumph indeed. It's not like clumps, but if I ran my fingers through my hair, there's too many ending up in my hand for my own comfort.

However I did check whether my hair falling out was due to my dying it; it's not the hair breaking. It's whole strands coming out from the roots. Not ideal, eh?

Is this a medicinal thing or a Crohn's thing? I've seen a few posts on the internet recently asking the same kind of questions. As always in the IBD community, if I can take comfort in anything, it's that I'm not the only one! 

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