Thursday 27 March 2014

Sigmoidoscopy What?!

Well the good news is I saw my consultant this afternoon. The bad news (for my bumhole) is that I have to have an urgent sigmoidoscopy tomorrow.

Nope, I'd never heard of it either.

Here's a diagram that should make it a bit clearer:

Hopefully the doctor's face will be a bit further away than that?! Good lord.

It's a good job I'm used to these consultant appointments though; nothing says 'a normal Thursday afternoon' like pants down, knees to chest and invasion of the personal space.

But at least he couldn't feel any abscesses. So that's a plus. Also got my bloods done and had my steroids increased to 8/day. More fun prednisolone times ahead. Just want to know what's going on in my body!!

In the meantime, its liquids only ready for Anal Invasion v.2.

Needless to say, it'll be a different type of Friday feeling tomorrow...

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