Friday, 7 June 2013

Liquify Me

I am on Day 3 of my liquid diet.

I went to the GP beginning of this week, inquiring about getting to the bottom of my bloatedness.

In order to do this effectively, I need to lose some weight (even though I want to anyway) to try and determine what is swelling, what is bloating and what is excess chunkychunk.

I'm only doing this for 5 days - based on advice of the GP - before I then consider long-term liquid diets [if necessary]. Mine for the time being consists of what I could find in a supermarket that was liquid and low in fibre.

FYI, there's not that much. As obviously high fibre is typically better for a body...just not my body.

I did however find a few things that I like, some things I'd not had before, but all the while kept in mind my wanting to lose weight.

So I have been keeping a food diary and noting down how much fibre is in what I'm eating; apparently less that 10-15g a day is a pretty good amount [when on a low fibre diet, obvs. Not in real life for normal bodies as higher is better, etc.]

Slight hiccup in that I went out for dinner with my friend last night...

When asking a place what their Soup of the Day is, it's not often expected to be answered with "erm...tomato...and mint?" Needless to say I wasn't going to be having that for dinner!

I then asked for an omelette, to no avail. So, margherita pizza it was. OOPS.

To be fair, it was bloody scrummy! But my gosh did I notice the difference in my stomach afterwards?!

I literally ballooned. Like BAM. Baby tummy is back.

I think it's fair to say that I would take the slight hunger pangs on the liquid diet, over the feeling of bursting out my skin with the solid food.

But I have a predicament...I don't know if what I'm doing is helping me. Well it is. Hang on, let me explain.

Liquid diet = help to lose weight but also (hopefully) eradicate the bloat.
Low fibre = help clog you up and not poo so much.

Surely if I start going to the toilet-toilet less, then I'll be bloated with poo pain anyway?!

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