Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Uncomfortably Numb

Uhhh. I am fed up of moaning (I'm boring myself), but I need to have a vent. Sorry.

Obviously I posted yesterday saying how my bloat was super uncomfortable and painful. I also had areas of my tum where the feeling had gone away again? Couldn't feel my fingernails going across? Just numb.

Well, today is no different - if anything it's a bit bigger. And most shocking of all is that I didn't poo yesterday. AT ALL.

This is an alien experience as it's been a bloody long time since not pooing has been something to worry about. Today I have been once and it hurt ever so, but it wasn't a proper toilet time - if you know what I mean?

I have even resorted to a McDonalds to get things going since then; no luck thus far. I have had some high fibre Ryvitas; again, no luck.

Why can't I poo properly?! What is happening to my body?!

I am becoming the opposite of the main symptoms of Crohn's...fatter and pooing less.

And I have no idea why.

It's not like Crohn's has decided to go away.

At the same time though I am kind of hoping the bloat and pain hangs around until Thursday for the hospital. It's always annoying when you have an appointment and your body is well behaved. It's a false sense of security!

As for today, I have an awards do with work at The Dorchester - a proper snazzy affair. And I'm going to turn up looking preggers and wanting to poo.



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