Thursday, 9 May 2013

Circus Act

No, I'm not joining the circus. Although if there's a space available for a Bearded Lady?

Haha, lies. I have a goatee instead.

(I don't, and that is not me in the picture - 
just for added clarification!)

I have called this post 'Circus Act' because I am fed up of jumping through hoops to see someone from the hospital.

Why is it so hard?!

I went to the GP yesterday because I am still in pain, bloated and generally mehh. And I wanted to see what was happening with my scan follow up. But according to the doctor I saw, abdominal fistulas are not a painful thing to have as they're embedded deep in the tissue. Erm...

I beg to differ my friend. Well, not my friend. My relatively unhelpful doctor man.

To be fair to him though, after his ridiculous sentence re my pain, he put together a letter which was addressed to my illusive surgeon and also my gastro consultant. It said everything that I want to say to them; how I'm close to making a complaint as it's gone on for so long, how I have no idea what's happening with follow up and no one seems to be telling me anything, how I have on-going symptoms which, quite frankly, are not ideal for general day-to-day living.

I then asked when I could expect to hear from someone at the hospital. He said the only thing I could do was to wait until someone gets in touch. Heard that before!

Fortunately (I guess) I have an outpatient appointment with the gastro team on 20th May. So if I haven't heard anything by then, at least I will be in the hospital speaking to a person face-to-face. Except this isn't even anything to do with the gastro team?! They've already told me it's for the surgical department. So God knows where that leaves me in all this?

Maybe it's better I join the circus after all...

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