noun, plural sec·re·tar·ies.
a person, usually an official, who is in charge of the records, correspondence, minutes of meetings, and related affairs of an organization, company, association, etc.: the secretary of the Linguistic Society of America.
a person employed to handle correspondence and do routine work in a business office, usually involving taking dictation, typing, filing, and the like.
Apart from looking up the definition of what a secretary is supposed to do, there's not much to report unfortunately;
Still have an appointment on 3rd April.
GP still hasn't heard back from my surgeon/his secretary.
Still bloated as hell and waiting for my appointment to be brought forward.
The only information that has come to light yesterday, is the reason for the lack of urgency with regards to my appointment: I was down as a new patient. Not a follow up. Even though my discharge notes stated that I must be seen within 6 weeks - if not before.
If it wasn't for a stubborn GP receptionist ringing the hospital on my behalf, I doubt I'd even have that nugget of info...
Begs the question, if I didn't pester them in the first place for an appointment, would I even have my one on 3rd April?!