Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Underground Fashionista

I'm hoping at some point in the near future to either be:
a) in remission
b) have my Crohn's relatively under control - don't we all?

So in the meantime, I have decided to branch out and look at the fashion and beauty side of having a chronic illness, as well as continuing to tell you all of my little Crohn's escapades!


Quite frankly, there are times where I look and feel like shite, and there's only so much concealer one can use to hide those bags from your insomnia nights.

I also feel that by doing this, (hopefully!) people will share any hints and tips they have with dealing with the bloat, the bags under the eyes, the all-round wellness of life ha.


I think the best place for me to start, is with the daily battle of the London Underground and the common misconception that I am at least 3 months pregnant.

Yes, there are days where I am totally ok with this because I'm tired and would love to have the seat - so I take it. Sorry if that makes me a bad person!

But the thing I find the most annoying, is that these are normally the days where I am in the baggiest clothes I own or at least think I'm concealing my flamonge quite well. Apparently I'm not!!

So would it be better for me to wear tighter clothes? I highly doubt it. This is because I tried to wear Spanx for the first time the other week and it pushed my guts in places they clearly didn't want to go and I threw up. No sleek body outline for me then haha.

I also find it hard as someone who has a vested interest in fashion and the latest trends, and general SHOPPING, to then come to the realisation that how I thought I'd look in my mind is not how the 5'3'' rotund-in-the-stomach girl actually looks.

Don't get me wrong. I still dress in a way that makes me happy and makes me feel good! But as always with a chronic illness, there's that underlying frustration...

So a spot of leg-guitarring will always help.


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