Thursday, 11 April 2013

Body Struggles

Well today's been fun (?!)

Running late this morning, as I couldn't find my little cool bag to put my Humira in to take with me to work. Slight panic.

Cue a menopausal hot flush on the tube with a mini strip because I felt like my body was on fire, just from the swift jog to the station.

Did aforementioned Humira jab and bled through onto my dress. Excellent injecting skills Harriet.

And I'm still bloated like a pregnant lady...look, no feet!

I also found out today that I have my CT Scan on 24th April at 5:15pm. So not too far away, except I can't eat for 8 hours before...I'm going to die of starvation! The temptation in an office job is the biscuits. Damn the biscuits. Must. Avoid. The. Biscuits.

Normally it's not so bad as my appointments tend to be in the morning, so those 8 hours are mainly made up of me being asleep - therefore not eating. Obviously. Unless I had Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder, where you sleep-eat (unless maybe I do? That's why I'm always bloated and don't know why haha)

In other news, I am trying to work out how to go about my appointment this coming Monday when I get to see my consultant.

Out of all the medical people I see, the Gastro team are the ones where I can have a moan and not feel bad about it because they're actually helpful. But I'm already worried that there won't be much they can do, and it will be a case of 'need to see your surgeon' again...

We shall see what happens!!


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