Friday, 8 February 2013

Home Sweet Home

Oh hi there. Sorry for the few days of nothingness.

Slowly been adjusting to being back at home...

Don't get me wrong, I bloody love it! But it's also quite a challenge, as you're very protected in hospital; things at the right height, a variety of bars to hold onto in the bathroom, your medicine brought to you as and when you need it. And obviously I don't have all of this at home, but I am fortunate enough to have an amazing boyfriend. Literally couldn't have done any of this without him.

They also said around 80% of my recovery will be done at home - so at least I know it can only get better?!

But for now, here's a brief round-up of what you've missed this week:


Managed to have (and finish) macaroni and cheese last night. Also successfully eaten smooth mash potato with gravy. Everything else has been either jelly/custard/yoghurt/soup. On the plus side, have now lost just over 3kgs since last week...every cloud and all that. But MY GOD I cannot wait to eat a proper meal! I'm fed up of salivating over food adverts haha.


This, I've found the strangest. After a bowel operation, there's the natural expectation of changes in bowel activity. But apart from the few days last week (NG tube, and what not) my insides have gone right back to how they were; 5-6 times a day, and extremely loose. But I'm assuming that as I heal, this will change to a more 'typical' toilet time? As surely part of the point of my op was to help me have normal day-to-day activities.... Who knows? Only time will tell.


Well this is looking ever so neat and tidy! I'm actually very pleased with how it's turned out. As it's not something in which you have a choice in the aesthetics, I was preparing myself for a mash up of scars on my stomach. But the surgeon has done a fab job, and hopefully as it fades over time, it will be part of a natural crease in my skin.

I also had the ten staples removed today. Very odd experience. I'm slowly getting feeling back in that area (as the nerve endings were severed) so only felt the last three staples being removed.

Still on my antibiotics for the collection they found under my wound - don't want to leave myself open to any complications. But with an outpatient appointment scheduled for a few weeks time, we are on the right track!


I'm also noticing that I have a mini mental battle with myself. In some ways it's harder being on bed-rest post-op, than it was being at home before my op. This is because to avoid boredom before, I would clean/tidy/general potter around my house. Whereas now, all I can do is sleep. Because cleaning/tidying/general pottering around my house will do more harm than good.

All in all, just need to get used to general movement as each muscle slowly kicks back in, and my nerve endings stand to attention. But already noticed how each day genuinely makes a difference. 

Will try not to leave it so long before I post again...

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